National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day


Today is two things, Friday and National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day! National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day is always on March 29th and celebrates small business owners. This is an exciting day because Bolt Security Guard Services and our sister company BSN Security are exactly that – small local businesses. We also work with many other small businesses around the valley and love being a supporter of such a community.

New business owners spend countless hours nurturing and growing their young enterprises. The workload demands, and lack of a hired staff, often translates into long and late hours, and many missed family and personal events. The individual had a vision and dream and decided to make it a reality, therefor business owners love what they do and are proud of what they do. Small businesses like these are vital to the economy and many people prefer going to these places instead of the big corporate companies.

If you typically pass up mom and pop shops, today give them a try! You will be surprised at the exquisite customer service and knowledge businesses like these provide. Shop mom and pop, shop local!

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